Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Vacation coming up

MS is still liking his job, yeah!! He took out one of the jet skis last weekend and played around for a while, (not while working, after). I plan on going to stay at the lake next week. Then the week after, Hubby will be on his vacation, so we will be coming back home to feed the animals, but able to stay at the lake through the July 4th weekend. Got to get the laundry done so we all have clothes to wear!
The garden is doing good, so much rain lately has made watering unnecessary, but it sure is muddy out there. Been getting radishes out of it. They always are the first ones we get. Just makes me hungry for more! The beans and the peas will be the next to come out. Plan on freezing the biggest part of the beans, just can't seem to eat them fast enough once they start producing. With 2 hills of zuchini we will be freezing a lot of that too! I love zuchini bread in the winter!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What a weekend

That was one long weekend! Got up early Thursday morning and road the bike up to Jacob's Cave. Spent all day there, bought 3 angora rabbits. Frank (the owner) said it was the biggest Thursday they had ever had, I could not believe how many people were already there! Then just before dark road the bike back home so we could get the feeding done. (The rabbits stayed up there with my sister!) Got up early Friday morning and fed extra good then took the truck this time, had to be able to get the rabbits home!
Finally on Friday I found a person selling Sugar Gliders. MS needed a couple of females. Bought a young one and a mom with the baby still with her. They are both very gentle. She had one for sale that would not let me keep hold of her, did not get her!
By Friday evening almost every spot was full, didn't know where they were going to put them Saturday morning! We stayed up there Friday night so we would be there early Saturday morning (by far the biggest day). I think that by the time we left Saturday evening we had sold over 50 goats in that 3 days. We had planned on just going home, getting the feeding done, and then crashing on Sunday. Didn't work out that way!
MS called Saturday on our way home (he didn't get to go to swap, had to work) and said that ex-sis-in-law and nephew were up at the lake, staying with her dad. So we get home, get the feeding done, and instead of crashing, get back in the truck and go to Pommy. We spent about an hour Saturday night talking to them and I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow at the trailer. Up early again Sunday morning (yuck, yuck, yuck). Then about noon we collected everyone (except MS, at work) and took the boat out!
Water was a bit on the cold side but it was fun. Watched a boat pulling a "vomit comet", that is not the name of it but that is the only way I can think of it. It is cone shaped and the rider is inside of it, and as the boat moves this thing spins! Can't even imagine what that does to your lunch!
Well, finally got to rest yesterday. Now just have to get to work with the rabbits!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Back home for a couple of days

Monday is here again. Hubby is back to work and Mobile Son (MS) is still at the lake. He had to work until 7pm last night and we thought that he should wait until this morning to come back home, after a good nights sleep.

First thing on the agenda is a trip to the cell phone store. MS went skiing and when he got out he discovered that his cell phone was still in his pocket. At least we have a backup phone that just needs to be activated. I just want to know what was going through his head when he changed clothes and put his phone in his swim trunk pocket. Didn't he hear the warning bells and see the big flashing red neon lights that screamed BAD IDEA!!! The friend MS had with him this weekend said that he was pretty sure that the connections to that part of the brain didn't function until you turned 20. If that is true then the next 4 years are going to be so unfun.

MS made it up on the wake board Friday night after we got to the lake. Took him a couple of tries to get out of the wake of the boat but he finally made it. After his first real "ride" (he stayed up longer than 30 seconds) I asked him if he wanted to go again, dumb question to ask a 16 year old! We were going to go skiing again Saturday, but the lake was just too choppy with all the boats out. It did make for some great tubing water though.

We will be heading for Jacob's Cave Thursday. The spring swap runs from Thurs. to Sun. Have to go up and help my sister sell some goats. My dad and stepmom raise pygmy and milk goats and sell quite a few over swap. If you have never been, it is a great weekend. You can find anything and everything you could possibly want. Just wear a good pair of walking shoes, it is about 4 or 5 miles to see everything. Instead of staying up there this year we are going to ride the bike up and back each day. That way we can get chores done when we get home at night. It is really going to be different with MS being gone so much this summer. No one here to do the work but us!

On a more somber note, there was a car wreck early Sun. morning that killed one 17 year old boy and injured about 4 others. My heart goes out to the families of all involved.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer is a commin!

We will be heading to the lake as soon as hubby gets back from his quickie trip to TX. Had to fly down to look at some machinery for work(?). Mobile son is already there with a friend, they went last night so he could be at work by 7 am this morning. He is working at the marina, and seems to really like it. May try to get up on the skis this weekend, depends on the boat traffic. Mobile son is determined to concur the wake board this year, last summer he tried and tried with no luck. Then one of his friends little sisters got up on the first try! That really lit a fire under him to make it up this year!!
I am planning on taking all my nature journalling books with me to see what I can come up with. Still trying to design an applique quilt to market. That is what I am going to focus on the most this summer. I want it to be a Baltimore style, with very intricate blocks. I am tired of seeing bland, no depth quilts out there. I probably won't take the spinning wheel down to the lake, not enough room for it anyway. I want to see if I can produce anything workable with the spindle first.